Sharing some interesting links
SREcon 2016 Performance Checklists for SREs
Apache Showdown: Flink vs. Spark
The largest unplanned outage in years and how we survived it.
How to live inside a docker container?
Running a TOR hidden service using docker
d’Oh My Zsh: How I unexpectedly built a monster of an open source project
Event-driven network automation using Slack, hubot, StackStorm and Ansible
An Enterprise-class Container Registry Server based on Docker Distribution
go-hn: command line client for hacker news, written in golang
9 Critical Decisions for Running Docker in Production
Dynamic Tracing Tools for Linux
How to Dockerize your Node application
CoreRoller is a set of tools to control and monitor the rollout of your updates.
Auto-scaling and self-defensive services in Golang
Inside’s Data-driven, Real-time Rules Engine
Data Modeling in Cassandra from a Postgres Perspective
CFSSL: CloudFlare’s PKI and TLS toolkit
A go debugger for atom using delve
Federated Clusters with Docker Swarm.
A visual interface to work with runtime profiling data for Go
From side project to 250 million daily requests
What every Browser knows about you
Optimize Performance Under Varying Network Conditions
Interactive Data Analysis with Python and Excel
Using AlexaPi on Raspberry Pi Zero
Caravel is a data exploration platform designed to be visual, intuitive, and interactive
Fbtftp is Facebook’s implementation of a dynamic TFTP server framework.
Building with Jenkins inside an ephemeral docker container
Deploying Docker Swarm with Puppet
Using Spark and Zeppelin to process big data on Kubernetes 1.2
Containers - Scaling with Kubernetes, Automatically!
Creating a Heavy-Duty Balancer With Nginx and Lua
Pwncloud – bad crypto in the Owncloud encryption module
Pumba - Chaos Testing for Docker
A bash-tool to store your private data inside a git repository.
Certwatch cron implementation for nginx vhosts
Put the output from any script or program in your Mac OS X Menu Bar
Micro optimization for local re-installations from source
The Definitive Guide to Linux System Calls
Vulnerability scanner for Linux, agentless, written in golang
Lynis - Security auditing tool
Real-time performance monitoring,