Sharing some interesting links to keep you busy this weekend :)
How to control someone else’s arm with your brain.
A curated list of engineering blogs.
Shopify deployment tool Shipit.
Deploy ECS with 5 Ways of Docker.
Handling 1 Million Requests per Minute with Go.
Centralized Log Management and Monitoring for CoreOS Clusters.
How to Merge Two Docker Images.
Command-line utility for auto-generating subtitles for any video file.
Unofficial DigitalOcean Interactive Tool.
Find out who is tracking you when you are reading your favourite news online.
I worked at #HackingTeam, my emails were leaked to WikiLeaks and I’m ok with that.
Tool for building debian packages from your python projects.
Streaming node http in the browser.
Automated Web UIs for Python scripts.
Containerize OpenStack with Docker.
Disk storage and real transactions under Redis compatible protocol.
How to test 3rd party hooks and webservices locally.
Gilliam - A platform for micro services.
Netgate pfSense certified firewall and VPN Appliance - AWS VPC Wizard User Guide.
Monitoring Docker services with Prometheus.
Visualize docker images and the layers that compose them.
Run your own GitHub-like service with the help of Docker.
Under the Hood of Amazon EC2 Container Service.