AWS Storage Gateway


Using Amazon AWS Storage Gateway : AWS Storage Gateway is a service that connects an on-premises software appliance with cloud-based storage in the form of an iSCSI devices. Storage Gateways Documentation – assume a scenario of Data Centre VM where we use S3 for storage solution.

There are 2 type of iSCSI devices: 1. Gateway-Cached Volume Solution :  create your storage volumes and mount them as iSCSI devices from your on-premises application servers – Data is stored on Amazon S3 and frequently accessed data is stored on the on-premises storage hardware.

2. Gateway-Stored Volume Solution : store all your data locally in storage volumes on your on-premises storage hardware. The gateway periodically takes snapshots as incremental backups and stores them in Amazon S3.

[Youtube Video on StorageGateway walkthrough on Windows]

AWS Storage Gateway uses two different hosting environments: VMware virtualization environment and an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) environment.

VMware virtualization environment Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) environment


Setting Up AWS Storage Gateway

Steps : Click Storage Gateway from the AWS Consol Click – Deploy a New Gateway on Amazon EC2 Click – Lauch Gateway AMI Click – Select Select – Lauch with EC2 Console Click Accept Terms One of the following AMI can be choosen

Region    ID US East (Virginia)                               ami-29f27a40 US West (Oregon)                               ami-4847cc78 US West (Northern California)          ami-36b39373 EU West (Ireland)                               ami-04393670 Asia Pacific (Singapore)                     ami-4a94d618 Asia Pacific (Tokyo)                            ami-d941fbd8 South America (Sao Paulo)                ami-6526fe78

The instance type must be at least a Standard XL (m1.large) or the instance will not launch.

With default setup – 2 more EBS also needs to be added,  one for cache storage and one for upload buffer.

NOTE: For a gateway-cached setup, you can add up to 18 TB of storage comprised of up to 2 TB allocated to upload buffer and up to 16 TB allocated to cache storage.